Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Magic Words

after reading both platforms I realized that both party platforms are just a piece of propoganda on paper. In the Republican paltform I red that the Republican party has alwas given us the best candidates who are best equipt for any legislature position. But even conservatives can agree with me that we had an incompitent and ignorence presidency for the past 8 years. Dont get me wrong , the Demcratic party's platform is full of lies as well. Although the American people voted to change the congress majority in 2006, the Democrats did not accomplishe anything in the past two years. It is very sad to see that our major political party can not even come to an agreement on a crusal Economic legislature. The Republicans blame the Dems and Dems blaime the Repbulicans.
we should understand that enough is enough ,the parties platform proves that both parties see our lives as a game between each other. the peoples voices is not heard by any party and we can agree on that. The legislatures have forgoten why they are in the office in the first place. our congress should pay more attention to the people insted of playing "got you" game with the opposide party.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

In the spot light

the VP candidates take the spot light on sep 23 as Gov.Palin meets with presidents of Afghanistan and Colombia as she is trying to get her foreign policy creadiblity up and running. the press was generally kept away from Gov. Palin. Meanwhile SenBeiden was put on the spot by cbs evening news Katie Couric. Couric aksed Sen. Beiden about the comments by the Obama campaing making fun of Sen.McCain inability to use a computer. Sen.Beiden said "it was wrong", when Couric asked him "why did you do it then"? He responded by saying "I did not know we did it."but a short later Beiden backed tracked and said the attack ads by Mc.Cain are worst. they are keeping away the press from Gov. Palin. I dont think that so smart. We only have six more weeks and Gov. palin needs to come back a little bit.we dont need a vice presindent candidate to start training for her Vp postion right now, we need a VP that should allready know her or his foregin policy. But we have to agree that the press plays the "gott you game" with Palin. the Democrats are trying to paint Palin with the same brush as the Republicans trying to paint Obama.
Obama retakes the polls, McCain is trying to posponde Fridays debate to take part in the 700 Billion Bail Out plan. McCain is trying to make himself part of the solution because many Americans see him as part of the Economy problem. Angry Americans are turning towards Obama and away from McCain. Towards the NEW guy Obama and away from the OLD guy McCain. the polls show the fallowing numbers 45% Obama ,39% McCain.the Chaos in wallstreet is helping Obama.Tax rates are staying the same no matter who is ellected do to the 700 Billion Bail Out, Obama even agreed to that on the NBC "TODAY" show on sept 23th. But spending will have to be cut,with the top priorities being the war on terror and keeping financial institutions running.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"lip stick on pig"

Today on every news channel they are talking about how Sen. Obama made fun of Gov Palin's lip stick remark. they are two kind of anti Obama group camps. there first group are Obama Haters and the second group are Mc. Cain supporters. Sen. Obama remark of lipstick on the pig has nothing to do with what Palin said about Hocky moms. Sen Obama is not a bomb trower and has never been. it would be dum from Obama to smear palin because it will cause for Palin support to go up. It is clearly unfair to say that Obama's remarks had anything to do with Palin. there are many more important issues we need to look at as responsible citizens. This kind of smearing by media is not going anywhere with the independet voters who are going to be the most important voting body in this elections. It is a mistake by McCain campain to say Sen Obama's remarks were towards palin because it is not true. If Obama's remarks were towards Palin, he and his campaing are making a huge mistake because by stoppin attacks on McCain they are taking attention away from Sen Mc Cain. IF Palin is the target of Sen. Obama and his campaing they are comparing a possible Vice president(palin) to a possible presindent (Obama) and take attention away from the real player in the Republican party which is Mc Cain.The Obama campaing needs to let go of Palin and bring back Mc Cain into the picture. the Mc Cain campaing needs to stop smearing Obama because it will work to their disadvantage

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

campaign donors

from what I researched i realized that Sen. Obama has recieved more donations than Sen.McCain. that means that Houston , texas is leaning more towards Sen Obama. But this is a trend and expected from a major city like Houston. It seems like Houston has mostly leaned towards the democratic candidate. But Texas is a one party state and most of the voter turnouts are republican. But you never know because this race between Sen Mc.Cain and sen Obama is very intersting.