Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Sen Obama's ties to Acorn are intresting. Maybe Obama is too good to be true? but doesnt matter what any news agency says or how the Obama's camp views this problem, sen Obama's ties to Acorn are questionble at least. Sen Obama donated 800 000 dollars to Acorn for campaing. when offering people cigarets or A dollar for their vote, Acorn is defently aggresivly campainig for Obama. but lets step back and look at the bottom line that Acorn is under investigation and nothing has been proven yet. I am a centerist and believe that the GOP's election machine is bringin up Acorn as much as they can so they can get voters attention away from the reall issues. But Obama's and the Dems are also have painted McCain as an old elites guy. Some shows (not Obama) even have used McCains experience in vietnam against him. but as we all know the media is 80% bias and liberal and 20% conservative. obama spend 90 million in tv ads last month along with the NBC's bias for him. but the question is if Acron is going to hurt Obama in days to come , with election right around the corner anything is possible right now.

1 comment:

Gator said...

McCain has had good relations with ACORN in the past. Here is a report on an ACORN sponsored event McCain attended.
Do a little more research on the type of organzation ACORN is. ACORN does not contribute to political campaigns. I think McCain greatly undermines his own credibility when he makes wild accusations against groups like ACORN. The "mainstream media" may have a liberal bias but they are generally careful only to report as fact what can be verified.